Firefighter Fire Safety

Fires require reliable, fast and effective solutions.

The motor pumps and emergency solutions EUROMAST are designed to act effectively in critical intervention situations and in particular for the fire safety.

It is essential to have the best equipment in order to react quickly while protecting property, people and the environment as much as possible from the damage that flames and smoke can cause.

EUROMAST provides you with a wide range of fire pumps with different configurations (portable, trailer or on skid) but also all the accessoiries suitable for fire fighting.

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The different configurations of fire pumps

  • The portable motor pumps : Light and compact, they are easily transportable and usable in the most difficult operating conditions.
  • The fixed motor pumps : High performance, fixed installations feed firefighting systems such as sprinklers, fire tanks and air distribution protection systems (RPA). This type of installation is governed by standards (type UL&FM, NFA20, EN12845, etc.) in order to guarantee optimum safety.
  • The towable motor pumps (MPR) : Usable in various situations, towable motor pumps have significant capacities and can be used as a second machine on a fire, a relay machine or even an exhaustion machine.

A selection of pumps adapted to your specific needs

Fire safety

Large range of firefighting and flood fighting motor pumps. Pumps can be skid-mounted, portable, or trailer-mounted

Marine - Sea water

Range of motor pumps resistant to sea water. Can be used for security services on ships and oil ports, commercial ports

Industrial building

Fire pumps are usually approved by a certification body and are powered by an electric or diesel engine or sometimes by a steam turbine.

Flood Construction site

Pumps used for lifting wastewater, evacuating loaded and muddy water, drying or irrigating.

Civil security

Motor pumps used during flooding to collect or drain water

Home Security

Motor pumps and a swimming pool to fight fires, as well as our range of cellar pumps intended for the evacuation of rainwater and clear water!